Selling Your Home

Hire A Professional Homeownership Is Still at the Heart of the American Dream Buying a home is a powerful decision, and it remains at the heart of the American Dream. Unlike renting, owning a home means more than just having a place to live – it offers a sense of belonging, stability, and freedom. According to Nicole Bachaud, Senior Economist at Zillow: “The American Dream is still owning a home. There’s […]
Hire A Professional Home Prices Forecast To Climb over the Next 5 Years [INFOGRAPHIC] Some Highlights If you’re worried about what’s next for home prices, know the HPES shows experts are projecting they’ll continue to rise at least through 2028. Based on that forecast, if you bought a $400,000 house this year, experts say it could gain over $72,000 in equity over the next five years. If you’re worried about falling home prices, […]
Hire A Professional The Dramatic Impact of Homeownership on Net Worth If you’re trying to decide whether to rent or buy a home this year, here’s a powerful insight that could give you the clarity and confidence you need to make your decision. Every three years, the Federal Reserve releases the Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF), which compares net worth for homeowners and renters. The latest report shows the average homeowner’s net worth […]
Hire A Professional Ways Your Home Equity Can Help You Reach Your Goals If you’ve owned your house for at least a couple of years, there’s something you’re going to want to know more about – and that’s home equity. If you’re not familiar with that term, Freddie Mac defines it like this: “. . . your home’s equity is the difference between how much your home is worth and how much you […]
Hire A Professional Things To Consider If Your House Didn’t Sell If your listing has expired and your house didn’t sell, it’s completely normal to feel a mix of frustration and disappointment. Understandably, you’re probably wondering what may have gone wrong. Here are three questions to think about as you figure out what to do next. Did You Limit Access to Your House? One of the biggest […]
Hire A Professional Retiring Soon? Why Moving Might Be the Perfect Next Step If you’re thinking about retirement or have already retired this year, it’s a good time to consider if your current house is still a good fit for the next chapter in your life. Fortunately, you may be in a better position to make a move than you realize. Here are a few things to think about as […]
Hire A Professional Get Your House Ready To Sell This Winter [INFOGRAPHIC] Some Highlights As you get ready to sell your house, there are a few things you should add to your to-do list to make it inviting and boost curb appeal. To name just a couple, it’s a good idea to declutter, take down personal photos and items, touch up any scuffs on the walls, and tidy up your […]
Hire A Professional Sell Smarter: Why Working with a Real Estate Agent May Beat Going Solo If you’re thinking about selling your house on your own, called “For Sale by Owner” or FSBO, there are some important things to consider. Going this route means taking on a lot of responsibilities by yourself – and that can be a bit of a headache. A recent report from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) found two of the most […]
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Hire A Professional Why Mortgage Rates Could Continue To Decline When you read about the housing market, you’ll probably come across some information about inflation or recent decisions made by the Federal Reserve (the Fed). But how do those two things impact you and your homebuying plans? Here’s what you need to know. The Federal Funds Rate Hikes Have Stalled One of the Fed’s primary goals is to lower inflation. […]
Hire A Professional Expert Quotes on the 2024 Housing Market Forecast If you’re thinking about buying or selling a home soon, you probably want to know what you can expect from the housing market in 2024. In 2023, higher mortgage rates, confusion over home price headlines, and a lack of homes for sale created some challenges for buyers and sellers looking to make a move. But what’s on the horizon for the new year? The […]
Hire A Professional Why Now Is Still a Great Time To Sell Your House If you were worried buyer demand disappeared when mortgage rates went up, the data shows there are plenty of interested buyers still out there. The housing market isn’t as frenzied as it was during the ‘unicorn’ years when buyer demand was through the roof, mortgage rates were historically low, and home values rose like we’ve never seen before. But that doesn’t mean the […]
Hire A Professional If Your House Hasn’t Sold Yet, It May Be Overpriced Has your house been sitting on the market a while without selling? If so, you should know that’s pretty unusual, especially right now. That’s because the supply of homes available for sale is still far lower than what we’d see in a normal year. That means buyers have fewer options than they usually would, so your house should be an […]
Hire A Professional The Surprising Trend in the Number of Homes Coming onto the Market If you’re thinking about moving, it’s important to know what’s happening in the housing market. Here’s an update on the supply of homes currently for sale. Whether you’re buying or selling, the number of homes in your area is something you should pay attention to. In the housing market, there are regular patterns that happen every year, called seasonality. Spring is […]
Hire A Professional When You Sell Your House, Where Do You Plan To Go? If you’re thinking about selling your house, you may have heard the supply of homes for sale is still low, and that means your house should stand out to buyers who are craving more options. But you may also be wondering, once you sell, how does the current supply impact your own move? And, will you be able […]
Hire A Professional Experts Project Home Prices Will Rise over the Next 5 Years Even with so much data showing home prices are actually rising in most of the country, there are still a lot of people who worry there will be another price crash in the immediate future. In fact, a recent survey from Fannie Mae shows that 23% of consumers think prices will fall over the next 12 months. That’s nearly one in four […]
Hire A Professional 3 Reasons To Sell Your House Before the New Year [INFOGRAPHIC] Some Highlights Here are a few reasons you may not want to hold off until the new year to sell your house. Buyers looking right now are highly motivated, the supply of homes for sale is still low, and you may find buyers are more flexible with showings this time of year. Reach out to a real estate agent to determine if selling […]
Hire A Professional Is Owning a Home Still the American Dream for Younger Buyers? Everyone has their own idea of the American Dream, and it’s different for each person. But, in a recent survey by Bankrate, people were asked about the achievements they believe represent the American Dream the most. The answers show that owning a home still claims the #1 spot for many Americans today (see graph below): In fact, according […]
Hire A Professional Why the Economy Won’t Tank the Housing Market If you’re worried about a coming recession, you’re not alone. Over the past couple of years, there’s been a lot of recession talk. And many people worry, if we do have one, it would cause the unemployment rate to skyrocket. Some even fear that a spike in unemployment would lead to a rash of foreclosures similar to […]
Hire A Professional Are the Top 3 Housing Market Questions on Your Mind? When it comes to what’s happening in the housing market, there’s a lot of confusion going around right now. You may hear one thing in conversation with your friends, see something totally different on the news, and read something on social media that contradicts both of those thoughts. And, if you’re thinking about making a […]
Hire A Professional Home Prices Still Growing – Just at a More Normal Pace If you’re feeling a bit muddy on what’s happening with home prices, that’s no surprise. Some people are still saying prices are falling, even though data proves otherwise. Part of that misconception is because people are getting their information from unreliable sources. But it’s also coming from some media coverage misrepresenting what the data really shows. So, to […]